Request Review with AI Engine

The service to request review from your customers
at the RIGHT time
to get maximum feedback for your product
We use "Amazon Request review" function + AI engine and that generates up to 5x more reviews
Every seller is trying to get maximum reviews from the buyers but just 0.1% of buyers will left a review without a notice, a huge part of them may post a negative review.

Sending a ton of emails as most of the sellers do gives 1-2% rate.

We use instead "Amazon Request review" function + AI engine and that generates up to 5x more reviews and gets reviews from 5-10% of your buyers.
Why Is It Better Than Other Review Request method?
Not just a method but an AI engine

Leave a review for the buyer is a very fragile process. You sent an email to the wrong time, buyer opt-out from any buyer-seller communication, he is busy, he is tired…. But because of AI our product knows what the best time is for doing that!
How It Works
3 Steps to generate more reviews
  • 1. Register & SignIn to our app
  • 2. Connect your Amazon Account
    Please grant our service account access to the orders section of your account by following a detailed guide inside the app
  • 3. Let the Magic work
    Our app will test the best timeframes for your product and will choose the one which generates the greatest number of reviews for your products.
    We don't request review, if buyer requested a refund to avoid negative reviews.

    You will receive an email every time your product has a rating change with 1-5 stars distribution.
Choose Your Plan
We provide monthly and yearly plans

Join our 1000+ happy users family
$24,99/month or $249/year
  • Money-back guarantee
  • if you cancel your subscription within first 30 days
Our Clients Love Us
  • Nikolay Shatsky
    Founder of Shop USA, Solid LLC
    Collecting the reviews for your listings is a very hard process. We tried a lot of method before AI Request Review. It's constantly generating a significant # of reviews and product ratings
  • Jacob Azares
    Operation Manager in Click It Yours
    It's multi-users-using! It's connected to the Amazon marketplace, so any of my teammates or VA can use it without additional payment.
  • Sarah Mesin
    Products manager in Tigers
    Its working as a well-oiled machine we can trust. Our product rating is continuously growing, so we can focus on sales
Join 1000+ satisfied users of the TrackMyOrders App and use a comprehensive set of tools which are super easy to pick up and run. Powerful options, high availability, responsive framework and quick support are the reasons for our clients to fall in love.
Frequently Asked Questions
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