Small supplier
with a huge profit

How we found 186 products with total $18,627/month sales and $2,200/month profit to dropship from LTDCommodities to Amazon.

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Weekly Best: Issue #2
LTDCommodities is the smallest retail supplier in TrackMyOrders database with only 2000+ products. We searched supplier with our default settings.

Default settings are:
  • Price is up to $500
  • Out of stock, freight, pickedup, regulated by volume of order, and non matched by image items are filtered
  • Estimated sales a month is 1 or more.
Supplier Source Data
Supplier source data at default TrackMyOrders settings
The search process took only 2 hours. Finally we had got 186 filtered products. All together they can bring $18,627 sales with $2,200 profit in 30 days.

Best profit results found by TrackMyOrders Scout engine always shown on the top. This time they start from 50% and $14.97 a sale profit.
Best profit results found by TrackMyOrders Scout engine
Best profit results found by TrackMyOrders Scout engine
First two best by profit results are seasonal, so, we just scrolled down a little. The third top-profit product has $11.48 (38%) profit, but only 1 estimated sale a month. Then we scrolled a little bit more and stop our attention on 6th from the top item.
Magnetic Chalk Calendar
Magnetic Chalk Calendar and Pencil Set with estimated $76.6 profit
With this Magnetic Chalk Calendar and Pencil Set you can have almost 7 sales a month with total more than $76 profit. All expenses and Amazon taxes are already calculated.
Profit details: price, Amazon fee, cost and final profit
Profit details: price, Amazon fee, cost and final profit
It has only one competitor on Amazon and very good sales rank.
Sales Rank on Amazon
Sales Rank on Amazon
To be sure in all above parameters we had check them on supplier and Amazon sites by the links provided in Scout Job. Everything is perfect! This product is ready for dropshipping on Amazon.

You can take it to your job! Or register for FREE 14 DAYS TRIAL of TrackMyOrders Amazon Products Scout Tool and try your own search!

Amazon Products Scout App by TrackMyOrders is the professional Amazon drop ship automation tool. Since coming up in 2013 our team provides complex, 24/7 services to private-clients and our self, now we are public and ready to share our expertise, tools, and data as a cloud service.
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