Baby? Please!

Earn $3842 on just one baby product dropship from BuyBuyBaby on Amazon

Weekly Best: Issue #11
For parents, there is nothing more important than a child. Even while a baby doesn't appear yet they spend much time in expectation and preparing. Did you know, that July, August, and September are the leaders by the numbers of births? So, let's be ready for baby products sales increasing and find a profitable and popular product for dropshipping!

This week we choose BuyBuyBaby as a supplier. Because specialized products better to search in particularized shops.

87k+ items contain in TrackMyOrders database of BuyBuyBaby products or 38k+ products excluding options like color, size, etc. Let's launch a default TrackMyOrders Scout Job across all of them. Default settings mean:
  • Price is up to $500.
  • Out of stock, freight, picked up, regulated by the volume of the order, and non-matched by image items are excluded.
  • Estimated sales a month is 1 or more.
Few clicks to launch searching for dropshipping products process in TrackMyOrders Scout App
In less than 1 hour our engine extracted from them and matched 121 profitable products on Amazon. Check the Scout Job statistic to see information about excluded items. It can help to tune another Scout Job to find a wider or smaller product range.
Scout Job extracted 121 profitable baby products from 38k+ items on BuyBuyBaby
Scout Job extracted 121 profitable baby products from 38k+ items on BuyBuyBaby
Register for FREE 14 DAYS TRIAL in TrackMyOrders Amazon Products Scout Tool and try the same or your own search absolutely free!

Now we can filter results by supplier's, Amazon's or competition's parameters. BuyBuyBaby offers free shipping on orders over $39, so, let's sort results by listing price. The top result is this Calming Vibrations Tub:
8% profit fnd 2+ sales a day Fisher-Price Soothing River Luxury Calming Vibrations Tub for dropshipping from BuyBuyBaby on Amazon
8% profit and 2+ sales a day Fisher-Price Soothing River Luxury Calming Vibrations Tub for dropshipping from BuyBuyBaby on Amazon
The estimated sales of this product are 2.2 per day. Thus, it can bring $3,842 a month with not so big but regular 8% profit. The price details can be checked directly in the Scout App interface:
Calming Vibrations Tub profit details
Calming Vibrations Tub profit details
Comparison of the offers on BuyBuyBaby and Amazon sites approve TrackMyOrders product's info:
Calming Vibrations Tub for dropshipping from BuyBuyBaby on supplier site
Fisher-Price Soothing River Luxury Calming Vibrations Tub for dropshipping from BuyBuyBaby (link) on Amazon (link) on both sites
Calming Vibrations Tub for dropshipping from BuyBuyBaby on Amazonsite
Everything is correct. So, let's approve this product in TrackMyOrders Scout App. After being approved it is ready to be uploaded to Amazon. In a few clicks product will be uploaded to connected Amazon marketplace!
Upload dropshipping products to Amazon Marketplace direct from TrackMyOrders App just in 2 clicks
Upload dropshipping products to Amazon Marketplace direct from TrackMyOrders App just in 2 clicks
Thus, as an example, we choose the best item from 121 profitable baby products found on BuyBuyBaby and matched with Amazon listings automatically in TrackMyOrders Scout App.
Take this product into your Amazon dropshipping work! Or register for FREE 14 DAYS TRIAL in TrackMyOrders Amazon Products Scout App and try your own searches absolutely free! No credit card needed!
Amazon Products Scout App by TrackMyOrders is the professional Amazon drop ship automation tool. Since coming up in 2013 our team provides complex, 24/7 services to private-clients and our self, now we are public and ready to share our expertise, tools, and data as a cloud service.
Further materials
Weekly Best. Issue #9
How to find camping products for Dropshipping from Walmart on Amazon
Weekly Best. Issue #8
How to find popular Father's Day gifts for Dropshipping from Walmart on Amazon
Weekly Best. Issue #7
Few Hours Search For 5824 Profitable Dropshipping Outdoors Products At Walmart
Weekly Best. Issue #2
How we found 186 products with total $18,627 sales and $2,200/month profit
Most dangerous and common dropshipper's problem and features of dropshipping automation apps that can solve them
How to find profitable products to sell on Amazon using dropshipping software